Breast MRI Clinical Indications
As a diagnostic imaging tool, Breast MRI is used for a wide range of indications in breast disease management including:
Characterize Lesions: Breast MR imaging may be indicated to identify and characterize malignant versus benign lesions in women with equivocal mammography and/or ultrasound findings and thereby reduce the number of biopsies resulting from false positive mammograms and/or ultrasound examinations. These attributes are especially important in women with impaired mammography due to dense breast tissue.
Detect Occult Cancer: Breast MR imaging may be indicated to detect occult primary breast cancer in women presenting with metastatic disease and no known primary tumor. Aurora Breast MR imaging may also be indicated to detect occult disease in the contralateral breast or multifocal/multicentric disease in the ipsilateral breast.
Determine the Extent of Cancer: Breast MR imaging may be indicated to evaluate the extent of disease prior to treatment; determine the feasibility of breast conservation vs. mastectomy and the potential need for radiation, chemotherapy, or chest wall resection. Aurora Breast MR imaging may be particularly useful to determine the extent of disease in women with lobular carcinoma histology.
Monitor Cancer Therapy: Breast MR imaging may be indicated to distinguish post-operative and/or post-radiation therapy scarring from recurrent cancer. Aurora Breast MR imaging may also be indicated to evaluate chemotherapeutic effectiveness and the extent of residual disease in patients undergoing neoadjuvant or induction chemotherapy and to monitor the effectiveness of chemopreventive therapy such as Tamoxifen.
Evaluate Patients with Positive Surgical Margins for Residual Cancer: Breast MR imaging performed soon after surgery may be indicated to determine the presence of significant residual disease in patients with positive surgical margins and thus aid in the determination of further surgery, either re-excision of margins or mastectomy.
Exclude the Existence of Cancer in High Risk Women: Breast MR imaging may exclude the existence of or identify cancer in women at increased risk for breast cancer based upon family history, genetic markers or high risk histology.
Evaluate Implant Integrity and Detect Cancer in Women with Breast Augmentation: Breast MR imaging is the most reliable method for imaging breasts to determine implant rupture or leakage. As opposed to mammography and ultrasound, breast MR imaging is not impaired by the presence of silicone injections or implant augmentation in the detection of cancer.